On May 10, 2014, BikeWalkKC sponsored its Women’s Bike Summit at the Ewing and Muriel Kaufman Foundation Center in Kansas City. Over 100 Women from different cycling tribes participated in the all-day event. Commuters, racers, tourers, and general enthusiasts created a diverse group. Bike Law Vance was a guest speaker and participated in a panel discussion on the topic of bicycle crashes. Flanked by a retired Kansas City police officer and an actual cycling accident victim(who bravely shared her story), Vance covered topics of prevention, preparation, avoidance, traffic court, claims procedure, and litigation. A lively question and answer period ensued.
The participants then went en mass to a ribbon cutting for a new bikestation hub at the Foundation. The day ended at the rooftop lounge and pool of the new Hotel Sorello on the Country Club Plaza.