Bike Law Michigan is happy to be joined this summer by the Division II Collegiate National Champion, Brad Neagos. Brad is a law student at the University of Denver and will be participating in an externship with Bryan Waldman and the Sinas Dramis Law Firm in Lansing, MI, where he will focus on bicycle injury cases and Michigan automobile insurance issues.
Prior to attending law school, Brad worked as an automobile insurance claims representative at a Michigan-based insurance company. Shareholder and President of the Sinas Dramis Law Firm, Bryan Waldman, expressed Bike Law’s sentiments regarding Brad, stating, “Brad is an amazingly hard-working and dedicated individual. Any person who has the drive to succeed to the point they cannot only participate in a collegiate sport while attending law school, but do it at the level of a national champion, is clearly a person who has the ability to succeed at whatever they set out to do. We are excited about the opportunity to work with Brad, both for the benefit of our existing clients and to further Brad’s education and train the next generation of bicycle law advocates.”