



The Cycling Cap Giveaway Heard Round The World!

As part of a Bike Law cap giveaway for the holidays, Peter posted a fill-in-the-blank statement on Bike Law’s Facebook page.

“My local bicycle culture is _________________.”  (And identify your city.)

We have been overwhelmed by the responses we received – literally from around the world, including France, Denmark and Canada – and we wanted to highlight some of our favorites. Thanks to everyone who participated! Winners will be announced soon.

Culture Club Riders

Several posters took the opportunity to share the growth of biking communities in their cities.

bicycle accident, bike crash, bicycle accident attorney, bicycle accident lawyer, bike racks, albany, california Amy S: My local bike culture in Albany, California is growing. Albany Strollers & Rollers has co-funded 29 of these awesome “Bike Bike Racks” (so far!) with local businesses, advocated for many infrastructure improvements, coordinated family cycling clinics and bike rides, and done lots of things to get people off all ages & abilities on their bikes & riding more safely!

bicycle accident, bike crash, bicycle accident attorney, bicycle accident lawyer, Birmingham Catina P: My local bike culture in Birmingham, has produced the first ever Alabama chapter of Black Girls Do Bike. We are supportive as cyclists and friends. We bike the trails and city streets as well as break bread together. We welcome other ethnicities and enjoy biking up 8 floors of a parking deck … trampling with old and young, different races and genders. I love my cycling family. We conquer hills, freezing temps and the naysayers together. Thanks tons to the local bike stores, Cahaba Cycles, Bike Link, Redemptive Cycle, Bob’s Bikes and #WD40BIKE.

Brian K: My local bike culture is KIDICAL MASS. Monthly bike rides for parents and their kids. Everything from infant seats, to cargo bikes, to balance bikes to regular kids bikes. This weekend is our annual Christmas lights ride where we do a 1.5 mile ride around South Philadelphia where the best lights displays are.

Cargobike Lovers

We recently did a blog post on our love for cargo bikes, and we were delighted to see them show up in this contest.

bicycle accident, bike crash, bicycle accident attorney, bicycle accident lawyer, cargo bikes

Paul N: Blue Blaze brewery is preparing to open and will be using cargo bikes for keg deliveries. I say that bodes well for culture in Charlotte NC.

Gerard M: My local bike culture in Nice (France), Riding the French Riviera with my Bullitts, the smile maker machine. Cargobikers have more fun!!

Lars B: Growing, as my son Simon age 11 is building and selling cargobikes to people in our local community. In one year we have gone from 1 cargobiking family to 9… Still a lot of lost souls out there, but he is only 11 and has plenty of time to be the game changer.

Making Biking Better

Some posters highlighted the latest improvements in biking facilities in their cities.

bicycle accident, bike crash, bicycle accident attorney, bicycle accident lawyer, bike commuting, Philadelphia bridge

John K: Growing every day. This bridge just opened up as part of one of the best urban networks in the country. Philadelphia.

Christapha L: Getting better and better every day. We still have a long way to go but with progressive urban planning, design, and implementation New Orleans is becoming more bike friendly. As a Civil/Transportation Engineering Student I am excited to be a part of the transformation of this great city!

Charles A: Not bad and getting better in Lowell, Massachusetts. We’ve got a major, progressive university pushing for sustainable transportation options between its campuses, a new city Complete Streets policy, largely driven by cyclists, and city planners and engineers committed to making our city more bikable and walkable.

Joe K: My local bicycle culture is pedaling! New bike boxes in downtown Kansas City MO! I rode my bike down to the World Series parade with no concerns and less hassle than driving! Kansas City!!

Jess R: My local bike culture in and around Des Moines, Iowa, is incredible. I am blessed to ride (and live) in Central Iowa, where we have nearly 1,000 miles of interconnected trails. I am glad for the infrastructure we have – but I am even more grateful for the awesome people who fill those trails. Our biking community is phenomenal and I cannot imagine a more supportive group of people to be part of.

Bikes and Biking Buddies

Some posters used their response to give a shout-out to the camaraderie of their local cycling community.

Laura R: My local bike culture is SUPPORTIVE! Through cycling I’ve made friends, built relationships, pushed limits, and discovered a community of people who care not only about others but a better life as a whole. Proud to be in Hendersonville, NC and surrounded by so many great cyclists!

Timothy James B: My local bicycle culture is full of love and support for other riders; full of amazing adventures and never a dull moment!! Portland Oregon, USA.

Vannevar B: My local bicycle culture is growing, accelerating, welcoming, affirming, inclusive, organic, successful and embraced by local government!” Pittsburgh PA.

Chuck Robert E: Supportive of developing riders, friendly and the best. Littleton, CO.

Matt F:  getting better with each new butt on a saddle. Milford MI

Hey, It’s the holidays!

We kicked off the cap contest with a nod to the holidays, so it’s fitting that we end with a holiday-themed post.  A tip of the cycling cap to this entry!

bicycle accident, bike crash, bicycle accident attorney, bicycle accident lawyer, Charlotte, NC, North Carolina, Christmas tree, bike

Anna B: The local bike culture in Charlotte, Charlotte NC is dynamic and learning to be better every day. Also uniquely festive.




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