Do you love to ride? So do we.
In the start of this new year we think it’s a good time to go back to our roots, our guiding principles – the Bike Law Manifesto.
The first guiding principle is simple.
“We are cyclists because we love to ride, and everybody who loves to ride is a cyclist.”
It really is as simple as that.
If you love to ride a bicycle, you are a cyclist. It doesn’t require Strava, speed, a fancy bike, or sponsors to be a cyclist.
If we are going to change the culture and acceptance of cycling in the United States and Canada we must begin with our own actions. Be inclusive with your waves, smiles and head nods. Offer assistance, and love the mountain biker, triathlete, daily commuter and anyone else riding a bike because they are all cyclists.
Read our Bike Law Manifesto and sign the pledge if you agree.