




A busy, successful year of a Georgia community making a difference.

When we’re not busy helping injured cyclists with their bike accident claims, we at Bike Law Georgia love to spend our time helping to make the world a better place for everyone who enjoys riding on bikes. We are honored to join the collective efforts of fellow advocacy groups, organizations, cycling clubs and individuals in making Georgia a safer place to ride bicycles. Although we see change and improvement every year, it’s still incredibly frustrating that bicycle commuters, recreational riders and invisible riders in Georgia are victims of traffic violence daily. There is so much more to do!

2019 Bike Law GA highlights:

  • Sponsored and had a booth at 3 Atlanta Streets Alive and the first Decatur Streets Alive.
    Taught multiple bike safety clinics for kids and teens at Carl G. Renfroe Middle School in Decatur and at Pedal Forward Community Bike Shop’s grand opening.
  • Sponsored and attended several big bike rides; including Beltgrind, Tony Serrano Ride, the famous Donut Ride, the Georgia 400 Ride and St. Paddy O’Pedal Ride by Olde Blind Dog Cycling Club.
  • Participated in the Georgia State University Bike Fair organized by Panther Bikes.
  • Sponsored and participated of the 6th annual week-long Atlanta Cycling Festival, hosting multiple events.
    Held the 1st Lawyer State Bar Ride departing from the State Bar of Georgia.
  • Collaborated with BikeFriendlyATL in remembering the lives of cyclists lost to traffic violence in Georgia with the 9th annual international Ride of Silence.
  • Hosted our very first Bike Party to celebrate our wonderful community and friends at our office.
  • Presented multiple “Bike Law 101” clinics at the Atlanta Cycling Festival, Ladies on Spokes meetings in Coweta and Fayette counties and at the CycNet Cycling Group at the CDC.
  • Visited our friends at bicycle repair shops throughout the state and stocked them with bike safety resources for their clients; including Outspokin’ Bicycles and Andy Jordan’s Bicycle Warehouse in Augusta; Pedal Forward Community Bike Shop in Hogansville; Oconee Outfitters in Milledgeville; Atlanta Trek McDonough in McDonough; The Bike Store in Warner Robbins and Douglas Bicycle Shop in Douglas.
  • Were interviewed by local media news stations 5 times and were interviewed for a documentary about bicycling in Georgia created by high school students.
  • Partnered with Bike Walk Macon and Georgia Bikes instructing police officers in Bibb Country Sheriff’s department through a POST certified training session on bicycle law and safety.
  • Publicly addressed Atlanta city elected officials and Mayor Keisha Bottoms about bicycle safety and vulnerable road users 3 times.
  • Testified at the House Committee on bicycle safety.
  • Collaborated with the students at Grady Highschool in their Biketober- Love to Ride event.
  • Sponsored and participated of the 2019 Georgia Bike Summit in Atlanta.
  • Participated of the DeKalb Slow Roll and advocacy “think tank” meetings 22 times!!
  • Distributed over 5000 bicycle ID cards in Atlanta, Metro Atlanta and throughout Georgia.
  • We didn’t keep count of the many water bottles, stickers, t-shirts, bicyclist pocket guides, blinkie lights, caps and cycling gear that we gave away in 2019. We love seeing Bike Law swag and kits at bike rides and on social media.
  • Raffled 3 Woom balance bikes for kids and 2 Cycliq bike cameras.
  • Worked with Dunwoody City council on crafting the language for a Vulnerable Road User ordinance which was eventually passed, making Dunwoody the first City in Georgia to enact such a law.
  • Worked with Georgia Bikes, the Statewide Advocacy organization, on a plan to help get legislation passed to clarify the language of Georgia’s safe passing law, aka the 3 Foot Law.
  • Met with fellow Bike Law National Network lawyers for a 3-day summit focused on improving the way that we help injured cyclists including focus on retrieving electronic data, crash reconstruction and biomechanics.
  • Participated in the inaugural Bike Law Think Tank with advocates from around the country to discuss local initiatives for bike advocacy and collaborating on ways to help raise safety awareness nationally.

Bike Law GA represented a significant number of bicyclists in personal injury claims, lawsuits and traffic citations in 2019. We are proud of the dedication of our attorneys, litigation paralegals and case managers in pursuing justice and fair recovery for bicyclists and vulnerable road users.

Bike Law ambassadors were busy too! They tirelessly championed for safer streets by speaking to the media multiple times, attending public meetings at Atlanta City Hall, engaging with their local politicians and organizing or participating of important advocacy actions like the Human Protected Bike Lane. 2019 ended with a new weekly bike ride, L.I.P.S Ladies Into Pedaling Successfully – hosted by Bike Law Ambassador Trena Hunter. We are so grateful for every Bike Law Ambassador and their passion!

The Bike Law Georgia Cyclocross Team had an awesome year too! Bike Law Georgia Cyclocross Series hosted the Cyclocross State Championships with Trisha Vandusseldorp from the Bike Law team taking a win in the Cat. ¾ Women’s Race, Michael Weigand in Cat. Men 3 and Christopher Hale in Cat. Men 4. The Bike Law Cyclocross team also hosted a cyclocross clinic as part of the ATL Cycling Festival and volunteered at a repair night for FREE Bikes for Kids.

We also got a new beautiful bike rack at our home office in Decatur! Big thanks to SOPO Bike Coop and our friend Andrew Harding who brought all the tools and materials in their cargo e-bikes and installed a Dero bike rack outside of our office in the spring.

2019 was a fantastic yet busy year for Bike Law Georgia and we are excited about 2020!


E Bike Law
Charlie Thomas Jan 10, 2025

What is an E-bike? An electric bike, or e-bike, is a bicycle equipped with a motor and rechargeable battery that provides pedal assistance. It’s designed to amplify your pedaling power, offering adjustable levels of support to make cycling easier—whether you’re tackling headwinds, covering longer distances, or just looking for a more comfortable ride.  E-bikes are […]

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Charlie Thomas Nov 08, 2024

A gap in Texas law is allowing some drivers who hit people in crosswalks to get off scot-free, despite recently passed legislation meant to address the issue. It’s called the Lisa Torry Smith Act and was passed in 2021. This law requires drivers to “stop and yield” to pedestrians, bicyclists, and anyone else legally using […]

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Bike lawyer rides her bike in Charlotte, NC
Ann Groninger Jun 21, 2024

Bike Law lawyer hassled by a driver for riding in the lane. Why, because she was trying to take a left turn!

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Ann Groninger Apr 04, 2024

Love them or hate them, e-bikes continue to rise in popularity. At the same time, lawmakers struggle to keep up with the developing technologies. Every week I get multiple inquiries from people trying to navigate North Carolina’s e-bike laws. If you’re confused, you’re not alone.  We could easily fill a book with all the latest […]

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Ann Groninger Jan 04, 2024

Many of our cycling clients find themselves having to interact with the criminal justice system. Typically, it’s because the driver who hits them (or their family member) is charged with a crime or traffic offense. Occasionally bicyclists themselves are charged with traffic offenses! Every state’s criminal laws are different, but there is a lot of […]

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Bike Crash Road Defect Georgia
Peter Wilborn Jun 14, 2023

We recently shared the story of a trial victory from the State of Texas where a bicyclist was injured due to a defect in a road maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation. Texas Road Defect   We now can tell the story of another huge win in a road defect case, this time from […]

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Road defect dangerous to cyclists
Charlie Thomas Mar 14, 2023

Recently, attorneys with the Bike Law network took a case to a trial against a titan of a defendant: the Texas Department of Transportation. TxDOT was represented by the Attorney General’s Office, one of Texas’ largest legal teams. We had a great client, but it was a tough case to prove. So tough, in fact, […]

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bike path charlotte
Ann Groninger Jan 13, 2023

  2023 got off to a rough start for Charlotte, North Carolina, particularly in the context of road safety. Within about a week, we lost a young woman who was riding her bicycle, a pedestrian killed in the same area of town, and four people were killed in a car wreck on I-85 in the […]

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North Carolina Bike Crash
Ann Groninger Dec 06, 2022

Unless you’re a very recent follower of ours, you’ve heard us talk before about “contributory negligence.” To recap: “pure contributory negligence” is the law in North Carolina and only 3 other states (Alabama, Virginia, Maryland). In pure contributory negligence states, if a person is injured by someone else’s fault and the injured person contributes even […]

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