Bike Law PA‘s Joe Piscitello sits down with Randy LaBasso to learn more about his work promoting better and safer biking for all. JOE: Randy, can you tell us about your role at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia? RANDY: Sure. I am the Policy Director for the Coalition which is an advocacy group that […]
Read MoreThis year’s Vision Zero (VZ) conference held at Temple University was hosted by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia for the third time. Attendance and participation were strong, reflecting solid community support for better road safety in the city. Many themes of the day bubbled up including how hard change is, how long advocacy takes, […]
Read MoreThanks to some outstanding advocacy efforts, both the state of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia have recently scored two important wins for cycling safety. Pennsylvania: “Dutch Reach” in State Driver’s Manual The “Dutch Reach” method of opening a car door has finally been added to the State Driver’s Manual after many years of conversation. […]
Read MoreWhen Bike Law Pennsylvania attorney Joe Piscitello received a call from the Philadelphia Bicycle Coalition asking for his help to “get out the vote”for a contest where they stand to win $100,000, he jumped into action. Not only did his Bike Law Firm get the word out, but so did regional bike shops, organizations and […]
Read MorePENNSYLVANIA BICYCLE LAWS It’s important to know your legal rights (and duties) when bicycling in Pennsylvania. It is especially important after a bicycle accident (we call them bicycle “crashes” and explain why here). For any questions about the State’s bike laws, or about your rights to the road, contact attorney Joey Piscitello directly. Right to […]
Read MorePiscitello Law – Bike Law PA is pleased to share highlights from the third annual Vision Zero conference, held March 17 in West Philadelphia. The event was hosted by Philadelphia Bicycle Coalition and opening remarks by the Executive Director Sarah Clark Stuart encouraged 250 participants to “listen, learn and be inspired….” Mayor James Kenney […]
Read MoreVision Zero (VZ) is multi-nation initiative with a guiding principle that death and serious injury should not be an acceptable outcome of transportation. Vision Zero plans often draw attention to flaws within the transportation system such as dangerous traffic patterns, speeding and a lack of sufficient protected bike/pedestrian lanes. VZ action plans utilize data to […]
Read MoreAs a cyclist in Pennsylvania, you should become familiar with some key laws – which may help to prevent a future crash and to help you protect your rights as a cyclist.
Read MoreWe are proud announce that Joe Piscitello of Piscitello Law has joined the network represent Law Pennsylvania based in Philadelphia.
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